Two separate Photographers hire or our experts to provide USA based SEO services to increase their website rankings.  However, at the time of launch, these sites lacked in original content on both the home page and internal pages.

Google’s algorithms are content-based and it was recommended to add content to these websites.  One company (company A) agreed to adding additional content and the other (company B) did not.

At the start of the SEO campaigns, Company A had a base visibility of 133, while Company B had a base visibility of 59.  Visibility scores are determined by how easily you can be found on search engines, based on three factors: number of keywords for the website, the position of those keywords, and the search engine associated with those keywords.  Higher ranked keyword phrases provide more points than lower ranked keywords – more listings on the first page means more points.

Ongoing SEO

Compare/Contrast: Adding content vs. not adding content

Company B did not create more content and did not build out any landing pages to grow her geographic reach.  Over 30 days her visibility score responded somewhat to optimization, from 59 to 131, an increase of 72.
Company A created content for 9 pages (5 landing pages and 4 service pages). Within 30 days of adding content, her visibility score increased from 133 to 413, an increase of 280 (almost 4 times that of the website without content).

The value of content on a website is immense.  Even though both clients specialize in a visual medium, content led to faster results.  While images are what they are trying to sell, the website that added content achieved more growth.  When clients add content for the Google algorithms, their websites will start to see faster results compared to websites that have minimal content.



SEO can also help if you’re a regional company, trying to expand or maintain your business footprint.  Understanding the keyword rankings and verticals for your market allow you to be seen where you were not before.

A large healthcare conglomerate in the state of New York engaged our experts and tasked with two primary goals:

(1) Outrank their primary competitor who had a stronger search-based presence.

(2) Expand their presence from two base locations to a larger geographical region including over ten cities.

Within two months they overtook the #1 spot on Google for their primary target keyword.  Currently they now populate the first 5 rankings (#1 – #5).  Over the course of two years, the volume of active search engine rankings moved up from 100 to over 500.  Search rankings were captured for over 12 cities and counties ranging over a 100 mile radius and crossing state lines.  Search-based traffic increased by 4,000 unique visitors per month with an estimated revenue increase of $3 million/year in new patient relations.



A major kids franchise brand, consisting of over 1,500 franchise entities throughout the USA, and with some international locations.  They wanted to generate increased national search-based rankings to help drive more website traffic and franchisee business.  They also wanted to generate franchise development sales leads to help sell more franchises.

SEO Performance

Their website received very limited growth for several years prior to the launch of the SEO campaign.  SEO was launched with search-based ranking and organic search traffic increasing almost immediately.  Within four months, traffic increased by 50% and by 210% after eight months.  Over 150 new keyword rankings were captured on Google alone, within the first two page results.

International SEO Plans


A freight transportation and trucking services that range from Mexico to Canada had 2 primary campaign goals: (1) provide first-page search engine rankings for relevant search phrases and (2) provide an international presence expanding beyond US Borders.

SEO Performance

As new keyword rankings were captured, search-based exposure increased.  Traffic to the website grew by nearly 150% in under six months due to on-target search engine rankings.  Rankings include transportation phrases within the US, Canada and Mexico.

Small to Large


A multibillion dollar manufacturing firm based in Hong Kong, with limited exposure in the United States, wanted help to use digital media to secure new business and partnerships in the USA.  The campaign consists of SEO, content marketing and social media.

SEO Performance

At the launch of the campaign they had zero search engine visibility, the website now benefits from over 150 active keyword rankings of which 130 are first-page ranked.


Any questions? Want a FREE SEO Audit of your website? Get in touch

Talk to the experts about your business needs. We know that every business is different, so we’ll consult with you about how to pursue a plan that will get you the results you desire.

Get found online with a concrete, actionable, and results-driven SEO plan.  With our FREE SEO AUDIT of your website you will get actionable steps you can take to start improving your rankings, whether you choose to work with us or not.  We want to see you succeed.

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